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Guides & Tips for Parents
Christmas Craft Inspiration for Children

Here at St Peter’s Preparatory School, our Autumn term has now ended and we know our families’ preparations for Christmas are now well underway. Amidst

Guides & Tips for Parents
How to Encourage Your Child to Love Maths

Let’s face it, maths isn’t everyone’s favourite subject. Learning and teaching styles can play a vital role in whether your child enjoys learning maths. It’s

Head's blog
Autumn Term 2021 Week 12

On Thursday, we held our Final Assembly (sadly, virtually this year), with a variety of prizes being awarded. We spend a lot of time considering

Head's blog
The Maverick Teacher

Is there a place for schools to have maverick teachers? These are people who think and​ act in an independent way, often ​behaving ​differently from

Head's blog
Autumn Term 2021 – Week 11

Thank you to all parents for being so supportive after what’s been a really challenging week here at St Peter’s. Please read this week’s newsletter

Head's blog
Autumn 2021 – Week 10

We have enjoyed some spectacular weather, here, at St Peter’s, over the last few weeks: crisp Autumn days, wonderful colour on the trees and glamorous

Education Insights
Psychology in Education

Maslow, who was born April 1, 1908 in New York, was an American psychologist and philosopher best known for his self-actualization theory of psychology, which