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Guides & Tips for Parents
How To Encourage Friendships In the Classroom

Friendships. They aren’t something that can be forced, but they are something that can be gently encouraged, and classrooms can make the perfect setting to

Education Insights
Teaching & Learning: What’s Next?

Following revision week? EXAM week of course! Did we see tantrums? Did we see terror in the children’s eyes? No We saw prepared and committed

Education Insights
Teaching & Learning – And so…

I spotted this magnificent few on the left when I was walking up from the main house towards the central zone during morning play. Then

Head's blog
From tiny shoots…

See above for another cracker from our recent photoshoot for your enjoyment! As I write this the rain is pouring down. Luckily we don’t have

News from St Peter's
Continued success from Jack

We were delighted to hear that St Peter’s alumni Jack Turner is continuing to shine on the athletics field. Many thanks to his father for

News from St Peter's
8 Ways to Get Children into Cooking

Cooking is a vital skill that is needed throughout life, and one of the best ways to start is from a young age. It is