Author: Rachel Jupp
Why are Faculties important?
This week has seen our Faculty system working at its best. The Faculty of a school is comprised of the people who work there. Faculty…
Parents’ FAQs Debunked
When your child starts school, there are often many questions you have that need answering, and often there isn’t always time or an opportunity to…
How to Make the Morning School Run as Smooth as Possible
Most households will start a school day with a rushed breakfast, stressful bag-packing and mind-numbing struggle to get everyone out the door in time for…
5 of the Best Educational Blogs to Follow in 2019
With the ever-increasing reliance on technology and internet services in the 21st-century, many are turning to the online blogsphere for inspiration, be it for parenting,…
Mighty Orchestra 2019
On 8th February a group of people from St Peter’s were invited to Wellington school to participate in the third mighty orchestra day. The day…
Happy Half Term
The Spring weather is with us and as I shared with the staff on Friday morning, I feel confident that we have said ‘goodbye’ to…
Mighty Orchestra at Wellington School
What an apt name for an amazing day for our St Peter’s musicians! Last Friday, fifteen of our instrumentalists were invited to Wellington School to…
Teaching & Learning: Expect The Unexpected
On Monday I was in and out of the changing rooms whilst on duty and I spotted a gaggle of Year 4 pupils huddled around…
Teaching & Learning DEFINED
In September 2017, I wrote a piece called Individualism. In the article I mentioned that staff had joined together during INSET time to pass professional…
Books of Excellence
2PG came to see me today and squeezed into my office. They were very proud as they had created a class book which was inspired…