Author: Rachel Jupp

End of the 2019/20 Academic Year

A round up of conversation …  My writings of the Teaching and Learning blog during the Covid-19 situation at school has somewhat run dry. I…

Welcome Back to Years 7 & 8

We’ve done it!  All children at St Peter’s Preparatory School are back on site with Year 7 & Year 8 joining today!  St Peter’s Preparatory…

All primary year groups back at St Peter’s Prep School

St Peter’s Preparatory School is opening its doors this week to all pupils in Years 2, 3, 4 and 5, as well as to the…

Teaching and Learning: Freedom

A brief ‘Teaching and Learning’ piece this week. Apologies for the shortness and sharpness of it, but I am ploughing my way through more paperwork…